IT PhD 2020-21 Regulations and Services



last update of this page October 31, 2020 



General regulations

      • General information for PhD candidates can be found in the IT PhD web site in the Students section
      • Follow the deadlines for your PhD cycle
      • For mobility permissions requests, see link
      • Register for courses (entering your study plan and getting it approved with an email by your tutor to by December 31 (for all, independently of your starting date). Exception: for the residential course on Machine learning for non-matrix data the deadline is Nov. 30. It is possible to modify your study plan at any time, getting it approved again by the tutor.


Endowment (dote) and travel funds

All the PhD candidates from the 33th cycle have the following endowment: 5.068,66.

Allowed expenses: travels and registration to conferences, research visits, summer schools, small equipment and materials, books, and the like.

PhD candidates from the previous cycles still active have the following endowment: € 3.068,66.

You are encouraged to spend this amount also for Summer Schools (both if they are part of your study plan or additional ones) and conferences, at any time from the PhD start to the final exam (in the last months after the end of the PhD and before the exam only for conferences to present your work or publication expenses)

You can check how much you already used and you have left of your personal endowment at any time in the DEIB intranet, in the administration services.

You can ask for extra funds for longer periods abroad (at least one month) or for attending Summer Schools filling in the following form: (for travels starting until March 1st, 2021)

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The following services are provided by the PhD programme to all candidates enrolled in the programme in the 2019-20 academic year, on general funds of the programme (in addition to your personal endowment/dote):

1) Software

Politecnico di Milano is providing software licences to enrolled doctoral students as indicated in the following page

Please note that you might have a different licence agreement depending on the device you use (your personal laptop, where you have student licences, or a laptop of the department, where you have licences like professors). You can buy a departmental laptop with your endowment or with research funds of your group if available.

All licences are for educational use (it includes research activities) and should not be used for other purposes.

2) Business cards requests (fill in the online form by November 20) This possibility is given once each year in November. For those starting in February and May you can request the service from Poliprint and ask a refund on general PhD funds (small expenses reimbursement)

3) Subscriptions to professional associations  

      • IEEE 

IEEE yearly student subscription and registration to IEEE Societies (max 2 societies):

Two possibilities:

a) IEEE renewal – form to be filled by November 20 (link to the form)

b) IEEE new subscription (as refunds, as small expenses, with

– payment proof – credit card billing statement

– invoice containing your name and DEIB address for billing and DEIB VAT number IT04376620151 if required

do not use personal addresses for shipping purposes, always DEIB address)

– DEIB Form for small expenses signed by the coordinator

      • ACM (as refunds, as small expenses, with documents as above for IEEE)
      • Other associations (send email request for approval to phd-inf, then proceed as above)

4) Language courses organized by PoliMI: Registration fee refunded by the PhD programme (small expenses procedure)

5) Raise your endowment if you published a journal paper: information to be inserted in a form by November 20 (link to the form)

Award for accepted publications, with you as a PhD student as first author, in a Q1 journal (according to Scimago Journal classification): an increase in the availability of endowment: 1000 euros / number of authors per journal, with a max 1500 per person in the career.

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Teaching activities

Teaching activities carried out by the PhD candidates are allowed according to the following rules:

To compute the amount of hours, teaching hours are weighted as follows:

  • Exercise classes: weight 1
  • Laboratory Responsible: weight 0.8
  • Tutor: weight 0.6

The limits are:

  • Pre-approved: up to 40 hours
  • Coordinator approval needed: up to 52 hours
  • Any other request will be evaluated by the Academic Board (Collegio dei docenti)

Special rules for first semester of AY 2020-21

The coordinator can approve up to 60 hours, extended to 80 hours if 40 hours are a repetition of the first 40 hours for the same class (in both cases weights are not applied).

The rule is valid for the current exceptional situation which requires an additional teaching effort within the university and for the total amount of teaching activities in the year.  For the second semester it is not possible to teach more than 40 hours in the semester,


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Publications: general information

Some rules on publications:

  • your first affiliation is Politecnico di Milano. You may be entitled to use a double affiliation (if you belong or are officially affiliated to a research institution such as CNR, IIT, HT, …or you are an executive PhD, or if you publish results for a research visit at another institution of at least one month)
  • all your published publications must be inserted in IRIS  in the Online Services (instructions)
  • you can request English text revisions for top journal papers (Scimago Q1-Q3): Write to – this expense will be on general funds, not on your endowment


Antiplagiarism software for PhD theses

Starting from June 2020, all doctoral candidates are requested to submit their thesis to the anti-plagiarism software to identify cases of reported texts from other authors in an inadequate way, even if they are related to the state of the art.  This check is recommended for your own safeguard on possible errors in writing the thesis.

The report must be presented to the thesis advisor before sending it to the external reviewers and, if modifications are made, before the thesis final approval.

There are cases however in which submitting your thesis to this system is not recommended due to non-disclosure agreements. In particular it is suggested NOT to submit your thesis in the following cases:

a) it is subject to confidentiality clauses;

b) if the thesis has been produced within projects with public or private bodies with confidentiality clauses;

c) if it contains elements of innovation for which it is possible and considered worthwhile to activate a protection procedure;

d) if it going to be patented.

As a general consideration, please note that according to the current regulations the thesis will be deposited in the Italian National libraries of Rome and Florence, so confidential material should be avoided in the thesis in all cases unless permission is obtained.

Please contact if you need to check your thesis.

After checking your thesis you can send it to the proposed external reviewers according to the instructions on the web site.

Checking the thesis from October 2020 is mandatory, before sending it to the external reviewers. You can check it more than once, resubmitting your work.

The results of the check with the Turnitin system will be kept confidential. They will be available to you for a self-evaluation of the thesis compliance with anti-plagiarism criteria and to the Collegio di Dottorato for internal use to evaluate the experimentation of this system on PhD Theses in our programme. The use of software for checking PhD theses is foreseen in the PhD School regulations.

As a general rule, it is acceptable that you use material and figures from your own papers in the thesis, citing them appropriately.

As a rule of thumb, a returned similarity percentage over 25% is an index of likely plagiarism-connected issues (texts from your own papers are to be excluded in the computation), whereas a returned percentage below 15% is probably safe. Verbatim copying or paraphrasing of significant portions of another person’s work without appropriate acknowledgement or use of quotation marks should be strictly avoided. Quotation marks are necessary when you cite some text from other authors verbatim.

Similarly, the re-use of figures, tables or paragraphs of another person’s work is allowed only with proper acknowledgement, and with the explicit permission of the copyright holder if the thesis is to be made public, either publishing it or making it visible on line through any type of repository.


If you see any problems during this check you can write the coordinator and your Area coordinator to ask for a short extension for a final revision of your work.

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Materials, IT devices procurement, purchases

For purchases of materials and equipment you will have to follow the department administration rules.

The funds to be used for purchases on your endowment have the code indicated at the beginning of this page in the general information section.

Please write to the procurement office if you need information:

You will have to open a request for purchase on the Online Services, under Amministrazione (Administration), item Richieste di acquisto dipartimento, RDA for short. If you need details about a specific purchase procedure please contact

For any other information please write to

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Travels and online conferences in COVID-19 times

  • if a conference is online, and you need to request a refund of the conference fee,  you can open an Richiesta di Acquisto, RDA, indicating Iscrizione convegni as a type for the request.
  • if you travel, follow the instructions for missions It is important that you request permission before the travel for insurance coverage.
    • now FFP2 face masks can be refunded as a travel expense when you use long distance public transportation.

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